Irish Table Tennis Association Ltd



Table Tennis Ulster is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all persons to be able to enjoy and participate in our sport. If you have a query or want to discuss a safeguarding or child protection issue, please contact TTU’s Safeguarding Officer: Adrian Brown Tel. No. 07713 678644 or email , or the Deputy Safeguarding Officer: Arnold Morgan Tel. no 07740 983676 or email

For further information or advice please contact the NSPCC:

Phone – 0808 800 5000 or text 88858

E-mail – or the Child Protection in Sport Unit

If you are under 18 years, you can call Childline direct to talk about anything that is worrying you. They are open 24/7 and talking to them is totally free.

Call 0800 1111 or visit their website where you can have a 1-2-1 chat online or send an email to one of their counsellors.

Regional Emergency Social Work service is available 5.00pm – 9.00am Monday to Thursday and 5.00pm on Friday to 9.00am on Monday. Each Trust has a Gateway team to deal with reports of abuse and more local contacts for on-going professional liaison for advice on concerns. 24-hour cover is provided over public holidays, contact Tel. no. 028 9504 9999.

Helpful numbers and contact details:

Northern HSC Trust               Tel: 0300 123 4333

South Eastern HSC Trust       Tel: 0300 100 0300

Southern HSC Trust                Tel: 0800 783 7745

Belfast HSC Trust                    Tel: 028 9050 7000

Western HSC Trust                 Tel: 028 7131 4090

The attached links provide clubs, coaches, and volunteers with more information to assist them in their work with children and young people. If you need further information or clarification on anything, please contact the Table Tennis Ulster office at

Important Links and Documents: